Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mooooover Groooooover

Sorry this is so delayed... Devin stole my computer! More to come:) This is from two weeks ago. He is now up on all fours a bit more and even faster!! We will try to video him tomorrow and upload another video for you.

And Easter!!

Easter trip

For easter we went to a lake/ mountain cabin with some good friends. We boated, rode motorcycles, swam in the hot tub (don't worry, we kept it to 96 degrees for Austin:)) and had Austin's first easter egg hunt!! He loved the eggs and of course he tried to eat them which resulted in a tye dye face:)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My first "real" food

After Austin's check up at the Dr. he was able to start eating solid foods. Some Stat's of Austin at 6 months 27" long and 16lbs 12oz. He is getting big and from his shots and immunizations we have learned that he has a sweet tooth. He loves the sugar water they give him mixed with one of him immunizations... thus when we started him on "real" food we started with Veggies... the reaction we got was this...
"I love Veggies"!


On February 12th we had Austin sealed to us in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. It is such an amazing blessing to be an eternal family with him in our lives! It was a beautiful ceremony and we are so blessed to have had so many family and friends there to attend. Devin also gave Austin his baby Blessing while we were there and that was such a sweet blessing for him to have. We are so blessed to have been able to adopt Austin and blessed to have such an amazing, sweet, birthmom who we love and are eternally grateful to have her in our lives.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Austin goes to Court

We woke up bright and early (6:00am) on the 7th of February. We were excited to take Austin to Court... It was such a special day that we waited for, for so long. The hearing went really well he was so good and the judge just loved Austin and even gave him a teddy bear. Who we named "Court". Austin really loves "Court" and in the one picture he is holding "Court's" hand.
On this special day we are especially grateful for our amazing birthmom Debbie and all the other birthmoms out there for their unique gift of life that they give.

Austin is so talented

We are so proud of little Austin. He seems to do things early. He decided that he could feed himself and now likes to hold his own bottle and doesn't want you to hold it for him or help him except on the few occasions when he drops it then he wants help. He often gets upset when you are trying to help him get the bottle back in his mouth but doesn't realize that his little hands are preventing you from putting it in (he's pretty strong). He gets very excited when he sees his bottle and can't wait to get it. He reaches so hard for it while we are making it up. It's really cute! He also went on his frist skateboard ride. We went to this standing wave place and they also had skateboards you could test out so Austin tested out his first skateboard. He rode it all by himself for 10'. We may have to post the video of that to prove it.

From Atlantic to Pacific in One Day!

After our trip to New Jersey for Christmas we went to Cali for a Surf trip and the opening day of Supercross in Anaheim California. We took Austin to our favorite pizza shop on the Ocean City boardwalk and the next morning we got up really early and fly to Cali where we went right to Huntington beach. Supercross was a lot of fun Austin got to meet some of the Riders in the pit before the race and even got his benie signed by Jemery McGrath, and Nate Adams. He loved the motorcycles but didn't love the fireworks so much. We all had a nice trip! Here are a few pics Hope you enjoy!